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The Rules:


1. No sleeping on the sofa.


2. Wash your own dishes. Do not leave the pad or go to bed with your dishes left in the sink. If you use it, you wash it.


3. If you shed hair in the bathroom, kitchen or anywhere other than your bed for that matter, clean it up. 


4. DRY OFF IN THE TUB. Do your best to keep the water in the tub. Also, please wipe down the counter top when you finish using it. There are paper towels in the bathroom to dry hands and wipe around the counter top.


5. Expired food will be disposed of if you don't get to it first.


6. If you are the last to leave the living room at any time of day, please make sure it is closed or locked. If you are guilty of leaving it open, you may be asked to leave. This is for your safety and the safety of those around you. 


7. Respect your roommates sleep schedule.  If someone is sleeping, please do not disturb them by talking, whispering, turning on the light, etc. Sleep takes precedence over your convenience. This is our golden rule and offenders will be asked to leave.


8. Some people snore. If it bothers you, bring ear plugs. In fact, we encourage you to always carry ear plugs or ear phones as it is a crashpad and you may occasionally be disturbed by sudden noises throughout the day or night.


9. If you manage to miss the toilet, please be a doll and wipe it down.


10.  Turn out the lights, turn off the tv, turn off the fan when you leave the room.


11. Hygiene, Hygiene, Hygiene. If your personal hygiene is off-putting, you may be asked to leave. 


12. Do not turn on the heater, in some pads, it radiates from the ceiling and is too hot for those in a top bunk.


13. You are allowed guests. No parties and be sure they do not overstay their welcome. Guests are only allowed in the living room and never allowed in the back except to use the bathroom. Your guests may only be there while you are there. 


14. You are never permitted to lock the door to the rooms, ever. Change in the bathrooms if you must have a locked door.


15. Smoking: There is no smoking in the apartment, on any of the balconies, or in the courtyard. These are the apartment complex rules, not my own. Please respect them.


16. If you prefer to partake in the spirits, please do so responsibly. You are not allowed to be drunk at the crashpad. KNOW YOUR LIMITS AND DON'T LET YOUR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE BE THE REASON FOR YOU BEING ASKED TO LEAVE THE PAD.


17. Complex and pad quiet hours are from 10:00 pm to 10:00 am. You can hang out in the courtyard past those hours, but please keep your voices, laughter and music low. Anything done in the common areas of the pad (i.e. living room, kitchen, etc.) should be done with extra attention to not disturbing those who might be sleeping. This is especially important with concern to television volume and laughter.


18. Pay attention and have situational awareness. These apply to the simple things like making sure your phone isn't making random noises at all hours of the night, or not having your tablet on full bright in a dark room. Ultimately, if you make people want to leave because of you for whatever reason, we will ask you to leave. Its easier to replace one problem person, than to replace all the people who leave because they have a problem with one person. 


19. No eating in the rooms. No alcohol in the rooms. Any cups brought into the rooms for drinking anything other than alcohol should be your own. 


20. As I mentioned earlier, you should be trying to leave everything and everyone in the crashpad, better than you found them.


We all desire a clean place to rest our feet and lay our heads in between trips. Its a tight space so staying clean and keeping our clutter to a minimum is a must. If you can not do this, you will find yourself in a search for another pad.

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